Term Usage

Amount Monetary value with units of currency.

Set of finite-length sequences of binary octets used to represent sound, images and other structures.

Code An enumerated list of all allowable values. Each enumerated value is a string that for brevity represents a specific meaning. For example for aPersonGenderCode the valid values might be "male", "female" or "unknown".

Date An ISO 8601 date usually in the format YYYY-MM-DD DateTime An ISO 8601 date (in the format YYYY-MM-DD) AND time structure. Note: Do not use unless BOTH the date AND time are REQUIRED fields. If one OR the other is optional always specify the data elements as separate date and time elements.

Graphic Used to store images. Secondary to Binary Object.

ID Abbreviation for Identifier

Identifier A language-independent label, sign or token used to establish identity of, and uniquely distinguish one instance of an object within an identification scheme.

Indicator Boolean, exactly two mutually exclusive values (true or false). A precise definition must be given for the meaning of a true value.

Measure Numeric value determined by measurement with units. Typically used with items such as height or weight. if the unit of measure is not clear it should be specified.

Name A textual label used as identification of an object. A name is usually meaningful in some language, and is the primary means of identification of objects for humans. Unlike an identifier, a name is not necessarily unique.

Number Assigned or determined by calculation.

Text Character string generally in the form of words.

Time An ISO 8601 time structure.

Value A type of Numeric.

Percent A type of Numeric that traditionally is the results of a ratio calculation that ranges from values of 0 to 1 for values of 0% to 100%.

Quantity Non-monetary numeric value or count with units.

Rate A type of Numeric

Year An ISO 8601 Year

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